Sports and games

From early on, as kids, individuals explore the unfamiliar world through active ‘play’. Play in its essence is an activity that is driven by curiosity, eagerness, excitement, and happiness all rolled into one— elements that are integral to any successful academic/co-curricular pursuits. Taking cognisance of this truth, the institution takes a proactive stance towards nurturing a sporting culture on campus.

A tall testament to this claim is the infrastructural amenities that facilitate the growth, nurturing, revamping, and rejuvenation of such a culture. The institution has a state-of-the-art indoor volleyball court, an indoor basketball court, and a dynamic football field that functions as a cricket ground and an athletics track, depending on the occasion. Athletes are given regular volleyball coaching by trained coaches of repute. The college Chess Club is another avenue where students can play both competitively and for leisure. Moreover, the college features an open gym that is accessible to all students during working hours, enabling them to stay active and healthy.

‘Aruvithura Volley’ is the institute’s flagship volleyball tournament that happens annually. Colleges from the length and breadth of Kerala participate in this tournament, exhibiting sportsmanship, camaraderie, determination, and a relentless pursuit of victory regardless of the odds. The tournament also draws large spectatorship as the quality of the games is exemplary.

Aruvithura Volley

Aruvithura Volley