Basic Food Safety

  • Course Type: Certificate Course

Course Course Code Duration (Hours)
Basic Food Safety SGC/SFFST/BAS/2021 30


The CERTIFICATE BASED PROGRAMME in BASIC FOOD SAFETY would enable the students to make a meaningful participation in the drive of India’s “Safe food for good health”  by gaining appropriate knowledge.

Food is an indispensable part of our life and safety of food is the grave concern for us. Food Quality and Safety has been an area of priority for consumers, retailers, manufacturers and regulators. Food safety is a culture which enables the next generation to live with good health. The PROGRAMME will enable the students to gain knowledge in the field of Food Safety and Food Hygiene and thus the safe processing and handling of foods.


•    To know the importance of safe food for good health
•    To aware about the hazards associated with the food
•    To know about the basic hygiene and sanitary requirements for the processing of a safe food
•    Aware about National food laws in the field of food processing
•    To know about the voluntary systems for food safety


The expected outcomes are that students acquire and demonstrate:

Knowledge food safety hazards and how to deliver safe food.
Thorough knowledge of GMP & GHP which underlie food processing, package and storage.
Knowledge of legal requirements and standards for safe food.

The certificate based programme in BASIC FOOD SAFETY shall include: (a) 30 contact hour modules (b) 1 hour modules for each day (c) 2 assignments (d) External examination for 30 marks


Candidate who completed plus two can join the course


30 hours

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